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Updated : August 20, 2024

Prostate Branchytherapy


Professor Nobumichi Tanaka MD. Ph.D

Associate Professor Isao Asakawa MD. Ph.D

Lecturer Yasushi Nakai MD. Ph.D


This is a department aiming to conduct research on the effectiveness and safety primarily of low-dose-rate and high-dose-rate brachytherapies concerning the diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer, which is the most common cancer among Japanese males (annual number of patients, about 90,000). At Nara Medical University, low-dose-rate brachytherapy was initiated in July 2004, and a total of 2,000 cases have been treated by July 2024. In addition, high-dose-rate brachytherapy for ultra-high-risk patients was initiated in October 2017, and 127 cases have been treated by July 2024. We have reported excellent treatment results in scientific conferences and journals in Japan and abroad. We are also conducting research on surgical therapy, external irradiation, hormone therapy, and chemotherapy for prostate cancer in addition to brachytherapy.

The department runs a doctoral postgraduate program to foster young researchers.